What is a Fashion Photographer?

A fashion photographer focuses on the fashion photography genre and is responsible for how a fashion collection is presented in advertising campaigns, fashion magazines and catalogs.

Fashion Photography

Fashion photography is the one thing that brings your collection to life for the consumer and your brand. From a beautiful campaign to a strong lookbook: with good, professional photos of your products you make sure that your customers are getting inspired. Besides, campaign photography is essential for the branding of your brand.

Would you like to do a photoshoot on location? That’s not a problem. Vivian Driesen takes all her professional photography gear with her. Are you stuck in the creative think process for your shoot? Vivian loves to help you out with that as well. Together, we make sure that the maximum potential of you products is reached.

Lookbook Photography

Lookbook photography must sell the clothes and is meant to inspire and excite your customers. For example,  in a lookbook you can show how your products could be styled and combined. With a lookbook you van showcase the designers vision for the collection and pay extra attention to your brand aesthetic. More attention is paid on the clothes when highlighting the details and fabrics.

Are you planning on launching a new collection and do you want to capture it by a professional fashion photographer? You’ve come to the right place! Vivian Driesen is more than happy to help you out.

Fashion Campaign picture shot by Vivian Driesen

Fashion Campaign Photography

A good campaign shoot is the base of the launch of the new collection. It ensures that (potential) customers are inspired by your products. You’re selling the image of the brand and convey a message or share the idea behind the collection. 

Before the shoot is planned, Vivian sets up a call to ask what kind of photo’s you would like to make. Suffering from a creative block? Vivian loves to help you out.

Book your own fashion shoot

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Behind the Scenes | Evening Party Fashion Shoot


Day in a Life | Fall Winter ‘22 Fashion Campaign shoot with hot pink and luxurious black